Comprometimento da função renal em pacientes cadastrados no programa hiperdia do município de Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul-Brasil, 2009




Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases constitute today the main cause of morbid-mortality in the world and Brazilian population; the possibility of association between blood pressure and mellitus Diabetes, is found in the order of 50%; these pathologies when early identified can be properly treated, avoiding its chronic complications. The National Politics of Attention to the Bearer of Kidney Disease proposes that the basic attention should provide in a preventive way actions which stress the importance of the Family Health Strategies, in the control and treatment of the blood hypertension and mellitus Diabetes, thereby detecting and preventing the chronic kidney disease and its co morbidities. Objective: to know the compromising of the kidney function in registered patients in the HIPERDIA Program in the council of Dourados/MS, in 2009. Materials and Methods: Epidemiological study, transversal, descriptive. Results: 44,18% find themselves between the sixth and seventh decade; 69,76% are females; 23,25% are retired, 54,65% housewives; 48,83% have completed Middle School; 72,09% classified as Caucasians; presence of mellitus Diabetes 2,32%; systemic blood hypertension 44,18%; association between both 53,48%; pathology time from 1 to 3 years; compromising of the kidney function stages 2, 48,83% and 3, 40,69%. Conclusion: participation of ESFs in tracking and accompanying of hypertensive and diabetic patients is of upmost importance for early detection of the kidney disease.


chronic kidney disease hipertensão estratégia de saúde da família hypertension diabetes saude publica diabetes family health strategy doença renal crônica

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