Composição floristica e estrutura de uma mata mesofila semidecidua na cabeceira do rio da cochoeira, Serra de Itaqueri, Itirapina, SP




On the present study, a census was taken of the tree species with a diameter equal or superior of 5 cm to 130 cm from the ground in 1284,5 m2 from the left banks of the head of the Rio da Cachoeira, an affluent to the Alta Passa Cinco. The place is a deep valley with an average slope of 45°, and it is subjected to natural perturbations like the falling of stones and trees. The phytossociologics parameters of density and dominance had been calculated and the species ordenated in accordance with the IVC, the index of the worth of covering. The specimens had been maped out and the spatial pattern of the species were analyzed. Eight hundred and ninety-two tree specimens were broken into 32 families and 85 species. The speeies with the greatest number of specimens are Urera baccifera (14,79),Piper amalago (8.63 %), Machaerium stipitatum (4.71%), Eupatorium macrophyllum (4.48 %), Mortas (3.92 %), Bauhinia forficata (3.70 %), Chorisia speciosa (3.36 %) and Carica quercifolia (3.13 %). The families with the greatest number of specimens are Leguminosae (15,02 %), Urticaceae (14,79 %), Piperaceae (9,75 %), Meliaceae (7.62 %), and Compositae (4.71 X). The families with the greatest floristic wealth are Leguminosae, with 18 species (20,69 X); Meliaceae, with 7 species (8.05 X); Moraceae and Euphorbiaceae, with 6 species each one (6,90 %, and Piperaceae, with 5 species (5.75 X).The species with the greatest IVC are Urera baccifera (27,27), Chorisia speciosa (13,02), Piper amalago (10,30), Mortas (9,66), Erythrina falcata (9,46), Bauhinia forficata (6,79), Machaerium stipitatum (6,60), Jacaratia spinosa (6,46), Croton floribundus (6,35), Eupatorium macrophyllum (6,29) and Carica quercifolia (5,56). The families with the greatest IVC are Leguminosae (37,08), Urticaceae (27,58)Bombacaceae (13, 18) , Euphorb iaceae (12, 18) , Me 1iaceae (12,13), Caricaceae (12,02), Piperaceae (11,64), Moraceae (11,10), e Mortas (9,66). ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


ecologia florestal comunidades vegetais

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