Composição de textos na escola brasileira: em busca de uma história. Do Ratio Studiorum aos manuais de estilo do final do século XIX / Composition inside the Brazilian school: looking for a history. From Ratio Studiorum to style textbooks of the end of the century




This study is a result of a historical research about the teaching of composition in the Brazilian school. The work focuses a school textbook published in Rio de Janeiro in 1883, Manual de estilo, by V. Sá de Menezes. Written to help students in the process of writing, this book is a synthesis of the content presented in Rhetoric textbooks that were used in schools at the end of the century. Then, in the intention to understand part of the Rhetoric tradition that Manual de Estilo dialogues with, we begin this thesis discussing Ratio Studiorum, the Jesuit schools pedagogic method. The goal was to identify different writing types of exercises proposed by the humanistic model of education followed by this religious segment. The choice for the Jesuits came from their importance at the Brazilian educational process during the period from XVI to XVIII century. From the second half of the XVIII century, we selected the orientation of writing education found in Verdadeiro método de estudar, by Luis Antonio Verney, and in Instrucções para os Professores de Grammatica latina Grega, Hebraica, e de Rethorica... announced by the Portuguese government in 1759. In the chapter 2, when we reach the XIX century, we present information about how the elementary e secondary schools were being organized, in order to connect the Manual de estylo to its reality of existence. The analysis of the content of Manual de estylo is developed between the chapter 3 and 4, when we discuss the presence of a conception of language as thinking expression and the repercussions of this understanding to the types of teaching proposed in this book and other textbooks from the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century. The typology "narration, description and letter" that we found as the core of the writing process proposed by Manual de estylo and contemporary books suggests us the hypothetical conclusion that the typology "narration, description, dissertation" might be an invention created in the XX century, what we discuss in the final chapter. This research is based on the French studies about the scholar culture and the history of the academic disciplines developed in past years by Jean Hébrard, Anne-Marie Chartier, André Chervel and others. For the study of the Brazilian school and Brazilian textbooks we have referred to Circe Bittencourt, Luciano Mendes de Faria Filho, Antonio Augusto Gomes Batista, Diana Gonçalves Vidal and others. About the teaching of Rhetoric we have based our observations on the study of Roberto Azícelo de Souza, João Adolfo Hansen, José Maria Paiva and Walter Ong.


linguagem e pensamento textbooks ensino retórica redação thought and language rhetoric writing textual typology composition tipologia textual escrita teaching livro didático

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