Comportamento territorial de Hylodes nasus em um riacho na Floresta da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. / Territorial behavior of Hylodes nasus in a stream at Floresta da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The territorial behavior is exhibited by animals that compete for resources within a specific defended area. By excluding potential competitors in this area through aggressive behavior, territorialist individuals ensure priority access to essential resources for their survival and reproduction. In anuran amphibians, territoriality has been mainly related to prolonged-breeding species, whose breeding sites are available throughout the year. This study was conducted in a portion of the river in the Tijuca Forest, Rio de Janeiro. There were four consecutive visits to the sampling area in each month (April/2009 to August/2010). The objective was to answer questions about the territorial behavior of Hylodes nasus (home range, site fidelity, agonistic behaviors and physical fighting). The males home range showed a significant relation with number of recapture. The home range estimated for females was slightly larger than males. Males have higher site fidelity than females. The site fidelity showed a significant relation with individuals SVL and body mass. There were observed 50 agonistic encounters between males, showing 11 aggressive behaviors. There were observed 19 physical fights with males being classified as resident, intruder, winner or loser. All contests were won by resident individuals. Information about the influence of environmental factors on the population of H. nasus, aspects of population structure and description of microhabitat are also provided.


zoologia anuro - floresta da tijuca (rio de janeiro, rj) anuro - comportamento territorialidade (zoologia) hylodes nasus e fidelidade comportamento territorial comportamento agonístico Área de vida combate físico hylodes nasus and site fidelity territorial behavior agonistic behavior home range physical combat

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