Comportamento predatório, dispersão e reprodução em colonias de anelosimus jabaquara (Araneae: Theridiidae), na Serra do Japi, Jundiai, SP




The predatory behavior is one of the most important aspects in formation and maintenance of social structures in spiders. The collective prey consumption in spiders colonies could promote dominance systems which result in an asymmetrical access to food. At this situation could occur an asynchronous development and differences in females nutritional state, influencing its reproductive success and the social structure of the group. In this study we described the females of Anelo simus jabaquara and Anelosimus dubiosus and investigated the predatory behavior of A. jabaquara during capture and feeding phases. In addition, we analyzed the within variation in individuais size along the year and the consequences of this variation in the dispersion and new colony foundation processo A. jabaquara can be distinguished of A. dubiosus through its internal genitalia morphology. Collective feeding seems to induce to a higher variability in individuais size. Groups which feed over relatively large preys, however, presented a higher weight increase than those groups which feed over small flies, usually captured individually. We found colonies much larger than previously described for this species. These colonies probably are the result of the maintenance of collective webs for periods longer than one generation. Only some small females stayed in colonies during the whole reproductive period. The others constructed small solitary webs, founding new colonies with their brood. The largest females produced more eggs, but the mean diameter of their eggs is smaller and the eclosion happens latter in relation to females that stayed in colonies. These results showed that the social structure of Anelosimus jabaquara is similar to the structure presented by A. eximius in many aspects and different in others, contributing to the comparative studies in this genus


aranha aranha - reprodução

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