Comportamento hídrico de superfície da Bacia do Rio Cabuçu de Cima, do Parque Estadual da Cantareira, Guarulhos, SP




Cabuçu de Cima watershed is located at Cabuçus Nucleus of the Parque Estadual da Cantareira, in the county of Guarulhos, on the northeast of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. It has 23,8 km2 surface and contributes for homonymous reservoir of the county water producing system (SAAE Serviço de Abastecimento de Água e Energia do Município de Guarulhos). Preliminary observations of the system and the area indicates a hydrologic behavior that should be more favorable to the run off than to the infiltration. Geomorphological and hydrometheorological analyses has confirmed this hypothesis. The geomorphological analysis encompassed the analysis of the regional conditions of the environment and parameters for the hydrological analysis declivity of thalweg drainage density and circularity index. The hydromethereological analysis encompassed precipitations analysis, water balance and the application of the Soil Conservation Service method for hydrometereological events analysis.


geoenviromental annalysis parque estadual da cantareira geociencias cabuçu de cima river análise geoambiental comportamento hídrico guarulhos parque estadual da cantareira surface water guarulhos rio cabuçu de cima

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