Comportamento das celulas musculares lisas em carcinomas da prostata humana : aspectos histologicos e imunocitoquimicos




This work has examined the behavior of the smooth muscle cells during the establishment and progression of prostate carcinoma. File material corresponding to transuretral ressections or radical prostatectomy were analysed after staining with Masson s trichrome or afier immunocytochemistry against smooth muscle a-actin, type IV coUagen and laminin. Both Masson s trichrome staining and immunocytochemistry with the anti-smooth muscle a-actin antibody revealed similar morphological aspects of the smooth muscle cells. The pattem observed corresponded to a segregation of the smooth muscle cells out of the proliferating epithelial structures, in the low grade tumor areas (Gleason s score = I and 2). Progressively the smooth muscle cells loose the homotypic associations, become shorter and atrophic, and are isolated in the stroma (Gleason s score = 2-4). As the epithelial cancer cells invade the stroma, they occupy the spaces between the smooth muscle cells, which become shorter and adopt a spinous aspecto The basement membrane, identilled by the anti-type IV collagen and anti-laminin, is fused between adjacent smooth muscle cells in the non-affected areas, demonstrating the intimate association between them. With tumor progression, the basement membrane becomes progressively individualized, in accordance with the isolation observed morphologically. With the tumor invasion, the basement membrane of the smooth muscle cells are irreguJar, interrupted and less intensely stained. The atrophy of the smooth muscle cells seems to be a general phenomenon during carcinoma progression in the human prostate and the degradation of the basement membrane is a marked event of this process, even though it may be a secondary reaction, following the general modifications associated with these cells


prostata - cancer celulas musculares

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