Complexidade em sistemas dinamicos : formalismo termodinamica e mecanico estatistico




We present a Statistical Mechanics for nonlinear systems and a Thermodynamics of irreversible processes capable to deal with the so-called complex systems. Two powerful approaches have been used, namely - Predictive Statistical Mechanics -based on Information Theory -in what consists of the Nonequilibrium Ensemble Formalism (NESOM), and Zubarev s approach is used, - Informational Statistical Thermodynamics (IST). These theories have been applied to the study of systems of bosons, like phonons and excitons in condensed matter . Resorting to NESOM and IST we have studied with a certain depth the behavior of condensed matter when nonlinear effects are present. We have considered optical and acoustical phonons and electronic excitons in organic polymers, biological systems, and semiconductors, evidencing complex behavior consisting of three remarkable phenomena: - Frôhlich-Bose-Einstein condensation (Frôhlich Effect); - Propagation of near undamped Schrôdinger-Davydov solitons; - A so-named Frôhlich-Cherenkov Effect


efeito fonons frohlich processos irreversiveis biopolimeros solitons termodinamica de sistemas em não-equilibrio

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