Competitividade do setor exportador da economia maranhense nos anos 1990




This research aims to analyse the competitivity of the exporting sectors of the MaranhÃo state economy, from 1991 up to 1999. This work motivation rests on the improvement of the production of goods and services in the economy of MaranhÃo state, which had its beginning in the 80âs and made the state improve its contribution not only to the GNP(Gross National Product) of the North-east region, but also to the GNP of the Brazilian economy as whole. That great performance was mainly impelled by the industrial sector, being a relevant share of that production channelized to the foreign market, what is the most important detail. The methodology utilized was the application of the revealed competitivity indicators, a considerable methodology largely applied on this kind of work. The results reveal that the MaranhÃo state actually has reached a high performance in its exportations during the period under research, achieving excellent results which show a large exportation capacity. The selected indicators also prove that the semimanufactured goods sectors shew up among the other ones, demonstrating its comparative advantage related to the North-east region and to the Brazilian economy


pib economia regional exportaÃÃo no maranhÃo - 1990 economy of maranhÃo - competitivity pib economia maranhense -competitividade exporting of the maranhÃo - 1990

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