Competencias para o gerenciamento de processos de trabalho na atenção basica : contribuições para a formação e a atuação de profissionais da saude




This study aimed to identify to the abilities necessary to manage processes of work in primary care settings, in a context of changes in the organization of the practices ones of health and management that come occurring in the city of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. For this identification, expressions of twelve managers of Basic Units of Health, of the net of services of the city, had been used, on the basis of a constructional matrix to the identification of the abilities. The collection of data was processed in two phases: 1) identification of the roll of the abilities pointed by the managers, during a course of management qualification carried through by the City Department of Health, between February and December of 2002, by means of documentation analysis of the carried through instruments of self-evaluation; 2) identification of the roll of abilities gotten with the same managers after one year of accomplishment of the course (December 2003 the February of 2004), by means of opened questionnaire, concomitantly analysis of context in which was carried through the manager is inserted by means of documentation examination. These data had allowed to construct a cast of abilities that had evidenced different dimensions (nuclei of abilities) of the management work with emphasis in those referring ones to the local planning of health, work with collective, education in health and conduction of the management work. These abilities can consist in educational objectives to subsidize courses of graduation and professional development in the field of the health in relation to the types of abilities that can be developed to management processes to produce caregiver acts in Basic Units of Health


saude publica pessoal da area medica - desempenho pessoal da area medica - formação profissional

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