Competências essenciais na distribuição de carne bovina brasileira para a Europa : um estudo multicaso




Due to its current dynamism and increasing importance in the Brazilian economy, the beef agri-chain in Brazil can be analyzed under different fields of strategy and business administration (corporate strategy, operations management) and marketing (differentiation of products, marketing channels). This research aims to join some of these different research areas, by studding core compences and marketing channels. The research was structured as a multi-case study with 3 of the main Brazilian exporting beef processors. The main objective of the research was the analysis of the core competences of some of the most important Brazilian beef processors, as well as the analysis of the marketing channels of the Brazilian beef in the European market, and to understand how the core competences impact the marketing channels in the European Union. The results of the research show that the Brazilian beef processors distribute their products through different marketing channels in the European Union. One of the companies distributes its products through the use of intermediaries (trading companies and distributors) in the marketing channels. Other beef processor has its own distribution structure in Europe, operating through joint-ventures with local distributors. The last researched company is migrating from the model based on the use of trading companies and distributors to the model of owning its distribution structure in Europe. The research mapped 25 resources, 23 capabilities and 19 core competences which support beef exports to the European Union. Most core competences were based in tangible resources, however the most important core competences which leverage Brazilian beef exports to European Union and impact the structuring of marketing channels in the European market are core competences based on intangible resources, such as: market knowledge, tradition/ reputation, brands and beef quality. These core competencies are sources of competitive advantage, since they allow Brazilian beef processors to gradually establish long term relationships in the marketing channels with their clients. These relationships allow Brazlian beef processors to to migrate from generic marketing channel models, based on the use of trading companies and distributors, to specific marketing channels, such as large supermarket chains in the European market.


exportação canais de distribuição engenharia de produção carne bovina competências essenciais estratégia engenharia de producao

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