Comparison between glass bottles and PET bottles for energy utilization and carbon dioxide emission, using environmental life cycle assessment / Comparação do consumo de energia e emissão de CO2 entre garrafas de PET e de vidro, utilizando analise ambiental de ciclo de vida




Nowadays the packing market presents great evolution, this happens because the packing choice, which are used in several products, that also consider the search for c1eaner technologies, and not on1y the costs and the consumer s preference. To manage packing choice, which get to affect less the environment, is used LIFE CYCLE ANAL YSIS, this method gets to measure the produced impacts and also the use of natural resources, from raw material extraction to final disposition. This study did the comparison between glass bottles reusable and bottles made of PET not reusable, this comparison was did for energy used and carbon dioxide emission. In the life cyc1e of the bottles were considered some stages such as, production, distribution and reuse. The result obtained shows glass bottles are better, if we think over energy used and carbon dioxide emission, this for small journey even that the glass bottles have to return to industry to de washed. However, data as journey for distribution of products and how many times glass bottles can be reused, they could change results in final comparison


reciclagem - industria industrial recycle plasticos na embalagem bottles garrafas package plastic

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