Communication and interpersonal relationship in breastfeeding: contradictions in nurse s care front of the woman that chooses to wean precociously / Comunicação e relação interpessoal na amamentação: contradições no cuidado da enfermeira frente à mulher que escolhe desmamar precocemente




Descriptive research with qualitative approach, which object was the process of taking care of woman that chooses to wean precociously with emphasis in the relationships that settle down between the customer and the nurse. It took as objectives to identify which strategies that were used by nurses to communicate with the women that choose to wean precociously; to discuss the interpersonal relationship in the process of take care among the nurse and to analyze the care of the nurse to the woman that chooses to wean precociously on the optics of Peplaus theory. The research was accomplished with nine nurses that accomplish nursing consultation in the infantile maternal nucleus, of the Basic Units of Health of the municipal district of Rio de Janeiro. The data was collected through semi- structured interview and analyzed by Bardins method of analysis of content. Three categories were evidenced: 1) the determinant of the nurses interpersonal relationship taking care of woman that chooses to wean precociously, whose subcategories expressed the meanings of maternal breast-feeding attributed by the nurses, the woman s conflicts in the process of maternal breast-feeding and the nurses feelings when the woman chooses to wean precociously; 2) communication strategies of the nurses when taking care of woman that chooses to wean precociously, whose subcategories evidenced the non-verbal communication and the association of the non-verbal communication to the verbal communication; 3) contradictions to nurses in the process of taking care of the woman that chooses to wean precociously. The results evidenced that the nurses possess an important support paper to woman in the process of breast-feeding, and they build the nursing care inside the interpersonal relationship, using the resources of non-verbal communication and in association of the verbal communication. Through the Interpersonal Relationships Theory of Peplau, it was revealed that there are contradictions in the nurses care before the woman s choice for the precocious weans, because they prioritize your conceptions and values compared to the womans.


relação interpessoal comunicação saúde da mulher aleitamento materno wean precocious maternal breast-feeding communication desmame precoce woman s health enfermagem interpersonal relationship

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