Commercial Broth Microdilution Panel Validation and Reproducibility Trials for Garenoxacin (BMS-284756), a Novel Desfluoroquinolone


American Society for Microbiology


Results from garenoxacin dry-form broth microdilution MIC panels prepared commercially (Sensititre, TREK Diagnostics) were compared to reference frozen-form MICs to ensure the validity of the longer-shelf-life product. A total of 1,078 organisms from seven major organism groups were used in this trial. All commercial MIC results were within ± one log2 dilution of reference garenoxacin values, and reproducibility trials produced identical MIC results for 90.5 to 92.1% of garenoxacin MIC comparisons. Control quinolones (ciprofloxacin and gatifloxacin) also performed at a similarly high level of accuracy.

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