Commedia dellArte e educação infantil: um processo de formação de professores




This study draws on the possible contribution of Commedia dell Art for teachers education. It was based on the investigation of its character s types in order to explore and expand 14 teachers physical expression as a way to enable them to better introduce small children to theatre work. To carry out this investigation I have engaged these teachers in a workshop based on a process of appropriating and re-signifying the character s types by looking at their body language. The aim was to enlarge and extend the teachers expressive physical repertory, in order open up alternatives for day-to-day classroom theatre work. The outcome of this workshop was a performance presented at 08 primary schools. A theoretical investigation of the role of the teacher for enlarging children s cultural capital backed this practice


teatro na educação professores formação florianópolis (sc) educação de crianças expressão corporal pedagogia do teatro arte commedia dell‟ educação infantil formação de professores teatro teacher formation child education commedia dell art theater pedagogy body language

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