Comissão parlamentar de inquérito




This doctoral dissertation aims at contributing with the study of one among the most important themes of constitutional life in States: congressional investigating committees. For that purpose, it estates the concept, the range of occurrence, the limitations and parameters of the jurisdictional control exercised by congressional investigating committees, according to a prospective viewpoint of the constitutional system. The institute at stake was also scrutinized by a brief comparative approach of a selection of foreign constitutional experiences and governmental regimes, in search of commonalities and distinctions as compared with practices of the Brazilian model. After dealing with the regulation of the subject throughout the history of Brazilian preceding charts, the author proposes a new way of equationing the theme on the basis of the systematics adopted by the latest 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. This dissertation also intented to suggest a series of solutions for the so-called "tension points" which pursue congressional investigating committees in a regime of public liberties, on the basis of Brazilian constitucional and infraconstitutional legislation. Finally, each one of the proposals spoused by the author all along the dissertation is presented to sum them up and with the author s expectation of further constructive and noble criticism as it is proper of the scientific mind


controle jurisdicional competência cpi direito constituições brasileiras investigação comissão parlamentar de inquerito

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