Collagen fiber orientation effects on the bone mechanical properties of bending and impact / Efeitos da orientação das fibras de colágeno nas propriedades mecânicas de flexão e impacto dos ossos




The relationship between the mechanical properties of rabbit femurs in three-point bending and impact tests and collagen fiber orientation was studied, as well as the proportion between absorbed energy in both tests. Maximum limit, proportional limit, stiffness and resiliency were measured in 20 left rabbit femurs by three point bending tests and the absorbed energy was measured in 20 right rabbit femurs by impact tests. Collagen fiber orientation was estimated using polarized light. Regression analysis showed that in bending, stiffness has significant positive correlation (R=0,43) and resiliency has significant negative correlation (R=-0,46) with collagen fiber orientation. Absorbed energy in impact showed no significant correlation with collagen fiber orientation. The absorbed energy in impact tests was 4,73 times the absorbed energy in three point bending tests, with significant difference between the two values


biomecânica bending flexão collagen biomechanics impacto bone colágeno impact osso

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