Clinical Results of the Pop De Popa® Xenobioprosthesis in Patients with Advanced Heart Failure: Long-term Follow-up of 562 Patients


From January of 1984 through December of 1990, we implanted 739 Pop De Popa® wild boar aortic valves in 626 patients, in all cardiac valvular positions. Of these patients, 562 received only the Pop De Popa® xenobioprostheses, which numbered 620 valves. Only patients with contraindications for bioprosthetic valves (such as children under the age of 15) were excluded. At surgery, the 562 patients ranged in age from 17 to 66 years (mean, 41.7 yrs). Five hundred thirty-one (94.48%) were in NYHA functional class III or IV before valve replacement. Of the 620 valves implanted, 20 were replacements for Pop de Popa® prostheses and the other 600 were replacements for native valves.

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