Clinical evaluation of the evaluation of the retention of sealant depending of sealant on the posterior application or non-application of fluoride after sealing. / Avaliação clínica do tempo de permanência de um selante de fossas, cicatrículas e fissuras oclusais, sem ou com posterior aplicação tópica de flúor.




The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the retention of FLUROSHIELD sealant material (Caulk/ Dentsply, Milford) in first and second molars, depending on the posterior application or non-application of fluoride after sealing. Sixty molars without evidence of clinical or radiographic caries, respectively, were selected from 60 patients (age 8 -15 years) for this study. The molars were randomly divided into 2 experimental groups (n=30): Group A: the teeth were sealed, and afterwards received an application of topical fluoride gel. Group B: the teeth were only sealed. The retention of the sealant material was evaluated 4 times: baseline, 1-week, 6-months and 1-year. The differences in the retention between the groups were calculated for significance using a GOODMAN test. The results showed 100% retention for Groups A and B at the 1-week and 6-month evaluations. Only the 1-year evaluation showed a significant prevalence of retention for the group using fluoride gel. No occlusal/interproximal caries were found on the sealed teeth. It was concluded that the association of sealing and fluoride can increase the retention of the sealant FLUROSHIELD and also decrease the incidence of interproximal caries.


dentística flúor tópico selantes de fossas e fissuras

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