Cliches em redações do vestibular : estrategia discursiva




This work has as a corpus the compositions from the University Entrance Exam / 92, from the University of Rondonia - UNIR. The main analysis is about a great number of clichés found in the theme chosen for the University Entrance Exam compositions, "Violence should be combatted with violence". The use of clichés is covered, having as reference the French School of Speech Analysis; through the study of production conditions and the images game of Pêcheux (1969) and the theory of heterogeneity that establishes the existence of polyfony as a main feature for the speeches since Faucault, Bakhtin and Lacan. The main objective of this research is to find the causes that explain the choice made by students and justify the use of clichés as a strategy of discourse. Based on Bakhtin ideas (1929) about the categories of common ideology, in Maingueneau studies (1987) about the heterogeneity showed, on Jolles works (1930), Reboul (1975) and Schneider (1990) about simple ways and the use of simple places, it was possible to conclude that the use of clichés is due to the strategies used by students coming from the images (acquired at school) that he has of his audience and the text itself as an instrument of discourse in a specific circumstance. On acquiring the discourse of others as an instrument for arguement, one does not guarantee one s own individuality. The fact of relying on one s own discourse with authority, besides making one s own discourse irrefutable, demonstrates that one is not passive. The contributions of this study are above all suggestions of alteration of primary and secondary school education, especially to the Portuguese Languages teachers and the proposed themes for the University Entrance Exam, in order to stimulate the production of poliphonic texts


redação vestibulares analise do discurso

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