Civil responsability of the third part interfering with contractual relationship / Responsabilidade civil do terceiro que interfere na relação contratual




This thesis carried out a study of civil responsibility of the third part interfering with contractual relationship. The research has encompassed the main contractual aspects, such as concept, traditional principles, new principles emerging with 1988 Federal Constitution, internal and external effects of the relationship and opposability of its effects. Also, a brief demonstration of civil responsibility has been done. Having in mind the sparse homeland doctrinal and jurisprudential material, this study has been directed towards approaching the analysis of legal systems whose topic is found in a more advanced phase: England, United States, France, Portugal, and Italy. In the end, this work intended to demonstrate the possibility of applying theory of Civil Responsibility of the Interfering Third Part in Brazil. From the analysis of doctrinal and jurisprudential evolution in the external effects of the contract, it was aimed to prove that the courts are already prepared to make use of the doctrine. From this assumption, it was intended to establish the fundaments, basis and pre-requisites of the theory. At last, the study dealt with relevant questions concerning the nature of responsibilisation, of the existence or non-existence of solidarity between the third part and the contracting part, of loss quantification and of the penal matter application


responsabilidade (direito) -- brasil social responsibility terceiros third parts direito contratos contracts responsabilidade civil contratos -- brasil

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