Childhood and old age: pathways in Manuelzão e Miguilim. / A infância e a velhice: percursos em Manuelzão e Miguilim




This work is a study of the novellas Campo geral and Uma estória de amor (Festa de Manuelzão), by Guimarães Rosa, that compose the book Manuelzão e Miguilim, one of the three volumes of Corpo de baile, which the author partitioned in the third edition. The dissertation seeks to articulate aspects of psychoanalytic theory, especially those stemming from the studies of Freud and Lacan, with a stylistic analysis of the novellas, and attempts to unravel the features that enable the constitution of the subject in Miguilim and in Manuelzão. Both characters, who delineate pathways of the onset and the end of life, are observed not only through rites of initiation marking the passage from childhood into adulthood in Miguilim, and from adulthood into old age in Manuelzão , but also through literary clues that bear upon the process of formation of the subject studied by psychoanalysis. The identification processes that are crucial for the constitution of the self are examined in both stories and thread together with the process of discovering the meanings of existence, a central theme in the authors works. From this stance, family relationships, mother and father figures, the marks of childhood one carries throughout life, the relationship between the internal and the external worlds, and the meanings that are learned in childhood and in old age, are all central to the study. The concepts of subject, identification, desire, symbolic order, condensation and displacement, memory and imagery, so dear to psychoanalysis, are important theoretical tools for understanding the ploys of the unconscious and the subtleties of a subjects discourse and desires. Finally, the work also points to the power of the psychic structures that, emerging in childhood, are reenacted in adult life, such as the echoes of the oedipal struggle. The choice of this methodological approach does not imply a psychoanalysis of the work or of the author, nor does it improperly migrate concepts from the psychoanalytic to the literary domain and vice versa, but is rather an attempt to find a fulcrum in the intersection between the disciplines and in modes of reading that provide new entry points into the text specifically, the viewpoint of the configuration of the subject, the learning made possible through language, the mechanisms of identification with the poetic image and the intimate entwinement between the subjects inner world and the outer context.


psychoanalysis brazilian literature. manuelzão e miguilim manuelzão e miguilim psicanálise literatura brasileira constituição do sujeito guimarães rosa guimarães rosa constitution of the subject

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