Characterization of response of circulating glucagon to intraduodenal and intravenous administration of amino acids


Studies were carried out to determine if hyperaminoacidemia stimulates the secretion of pancreatic glucagon, and, if so, to evaluate the effect of endogenous and exogenous pancreozymin and of hyperglycemia upon this response. The intravenous administration to 16 dogs of 1 g/kg of a 10 amino acid mixture over a 60 min period raised amino nitrogen to a mean level of 13.5 mg/100 ml; mean pancreaticoduodenal vein insulin rose from 84 to 459 μU/ml and glucagon from 1.1 to 2.7 mμg/ml. Further augmentation of both insulin and glucagon secretion was achieved during hyperaminoacidemia by infusing pancreozymin.

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