Characteristics of the forage and cattle production in pastures of postponed signalgrass / Características da forragem e produção de bovinos em pastagens de capim-braquiária diferidas




This work was developed with the objective of evaluating the production and the forage features, as well as the cattle performance, in Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pastures supplemented under different periods of postponement and grazing. The experiment was led in the Forage Sector of the Federal University of Viçosa, in Viçosa, MG, during the period of January of 2004 to September of 2005. In this period, the rehearsal was repeated twice. The first rehearsal was accomplished from January to September of 2004 and, it was denominated of YEAR 1. The second rehearsal was accomplished from January to September of 2005 and, it was denominated of YEAR 2. A completely randomized block experimental design was used with two replications, in an outline of split-plot. The treatments consisted of postponement periods of the pasture, corresponding to the primary factor (main plot), and grazing periods, referring to the secondary factor (sub-plot). In the YEAR 1, the levels of the primary factor were 103, 121, 146 and 163 days of postponement; and in the YEAR 2, the levels were 73, 103, 131 and 163 days of postponement. In both years, the grazing periods were 1, 29, 57 and 85 days. It was evaluated the population density of tillers, the mass and the density of the forage and of your morphologic components, the fall index of the sward, the nutritional value of the forage, the supplement intake and the animal production in the postponed swards. The postponement period elevated the population density of reproductive and dead tillers and it reduced the one of vegetative tiller. During the grazing period it happened decrease in the number of vegetative and reproductive tillers and increase in the number of dead tiller. Postponed pastures by larger period possessed larger masses of total forage, forage died and of stem died. With the grazing period, it happened the decrease of the masses of total forage, green forage and green leaf, as well as the increment in the forage masses died and of stem died. The fall index allowed the characterization of the level of fall of the differed sward. In that condition, the measurement of the height of the extended plant associated significantly with the forage mass in the pasture (r = 0,78). The densities of total forage and of forage died increased with the postponement period, while the grazing period increased the stem density died. The behavior of leafs densities during the grazing period was dependent of the postponement periods. The nutritional value of the morphologic components of the sward was altered during the grazing period. The compositions morphologic and chemical of the available forage in the pasture and of the sample of grazing simulation were modified by the periods of postponement and of grazing. Postponed pastures by larger period possess larger mass of dry matter potentially digestible. During the grazing period, the intake of the supplement, expressed in percentage of the animal weight, was constant. The cattle performance decreased during the grazing period, as well as in those postponed pastures by larger period, what was related to the structural characteristics of the postponed swards. In the area of Viçosa, the performance of cattle in creates again, maintained in postponed pastures is maximized when the fertilized and supplemented swards of Brachiaria decumbens is postponed for about 70 days and used under grazing starting from the month of July.


pastures pastagem e forragicultura postponement period período de diferimento pastejo

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