Cephalometric evaluation of treatment effect in dental-maxillary changes by AEB use on class II, division 1, malocclusion / Alterações dento-maxilares, em jovens com maloclusão de classe II, 1ª divisão dentaria, apos uso do AEB




The present study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the extraoral force (AEB), through an cephalometric evaluation, in 40 lateral cephalograms, 20 pre and 20 post treatment, of girls, with age?s ranged from 9.15 years, in the mixed dentition, with Classe II, division 1 malocclusion. Initially, the girls presented a dolicofacial skeletal growth pattern, equilibrium among the superior and inferior facial height, facial height index increased. The maxilla was well positioned in relation to the medium portion of the base of the cranium, the anteroposterior dimension is normal; the jaw relationship (ANB) was deficient. The headgear appliance, with traction occiptal, with 350g of force, bilaterally, for 14 hours daily rates, was used for 22.35 months. It was evaluated the values of: SN.GoGn, FMA, N-ENA, ENA-me, IAF, Fg-S, S-Fpm, Fpm-ENA, SNA, SNB, ANB, Fpm-6, 1.NA, 1-NA, 1.PP. The lateral cephalograms, in your totality, were traced twice by the same researcher, and the Dalhberg index was used to verify the occurrence or not the mistake occurrence. The results revealed a smaller casual mistake than 1.5° and 1.0mm, indicating reliability of the obtained data. The medium values of each greatness cefalométrica underwent the parametric test ?t? of Student. The data base revealed that the growth pattern didn t modify with the treatment. The balance between superior facial height and inferior stayed. The jaw relationship changes positively, reducing the value of ANB. It occurred a restriction of anterior displacement maxillary, and your anteroposterior dimension increased smoothly. The headgear has a distal effect on the first molar permanent superior, and a retroclination of the maxillary incisors. The present study suggested that the Classe II, division 1 malocclusion headgear treatment, with traction occiptal, it reached your objectives correcting the positioning of the molars, and incisive, improving the jaw relationship, favoring the second phase of orthodontic treatment then when necessary


ortodontia interceptora dentition mixed malocclusion angle class ii cephalometry maloclusão de angle classe cefalometria aparelho de tração extrabucal headgear orthodontic dentição mista interceptive orthodontics

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