Causative Agents of Liver Abscess in Thai Hepatitis B Carriers




Liver abscess and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection are two significant tropical gastrointestinal disorders. The concurrence between these two disorders yields poor prognosis, which then often leads to the need for intensive care. The aim of this study was to investigate the causal pathogens of liver abscess in HBV carriers. This retrospective case review was conducted on 35 Thai hospitalized HBV carriers who had diagnosis of liver abscess. A high rate of amoebic liver abscess in this series (37.1%) was demonstrated; Gram-negative aerobes were the major abscess pathogens. The causative pathogens of HBV carriers were similar to those in the overall patient population with abscess. The treatment plan for liver abscess in the general population can also be applied to HBV carriers.

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