Caracterização taxonomica dos representantes da familia Apocynaceae na região de Bauru-SP




The present work refers to a study of the Apocynaceae in the region of Bauru, SP, located in the Center-Western part of S. Paulo State. Despite the great reduction of the native vegetation in recent years, some remains of "cerrado" and forests, either mesophyllous and galIery, still grow there. lntensive colIecting of representatives of the Apocynaceae was undertaken in different areas around Bauru and neighbourhood, from 1992 to 1994, with the objetive of contributing to knowledge of the family in this region. Material from the main herbaria of S. Paulo and Rio de Janeiro States was also analysed. 24 species belonging to 15 genera of Apocynaceae were found: Aspidosperma Mart. (4 spp.); Condylocarpon Desf. (1 sp.); Hancornia Gomez (1 sp.); Himatanthus WilId. ex Roem et Schult. (1 sp.); Peschiera A. DC (1 sp.); Forsteronia G. W. F Meyer (5 spp.); Macrosiphonia MülI.Arg. (1 sp.); Mandevilla Lind1. (2 spp.); Mesechites MülI.Arg. (1 sp.); Odontadenia Benth. (1 sp.); Peltastes Woodson (1 sp.); Prestonia R. Br. (2 spp.); Rhodocalyx MülI.Arg. (1 sp.); Secondatia A. DC. (1 sp.) and Temnadenia Miers (1 sp.). Keys for identification of genera and species, descriptions and illustrations of the taxa were produced. lnformation about habitat, fenology and distribution was presented as well. Of all the species analysed, 10 ocorred exclusively in the "cerrado", 9 in forests, 5 in both vegetation types and two of them occurred in swampy soils. Many of them are quite common, except Mandevilla widgrenii and some species of Forsteronia. Two species, F. pubescens and F. refracta were cited for the first time to state of S. Paulo. Considering the habit, there were 13 lianas, 7 trees and/or shrubs and 4 subshrubs. Some species showed a gradation from arboreus to shrubby habit, e. g. Himatanthus obovatus and Peschiera australis. The majority ofthe species was found in flower in October, and in fruit injuly. Odontadenia lutea flowered for the longest period, followed by Temnadenia violacea. On the other hand, Peschiera austra/is and Temnadenia violacea had longer fruiting periods. The Apocynaceae are well represented in the region of Bauru, despite the devastation of the native vegetation


hortaliças - biologia - bauru (sp) biologia vegetal apocinaceas - bauru(sp)

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