Caracterização do material particulado inalavel (MP10) na atmosfera de Paulinia e região




The present work evaluated the particulate matter (PM10) emission contributions of the Replan catalytic cracking plant in the inhalable particulate matter (PM10) of the region affected by the refinery. To separate the contribution of the source under investigation from other sources that contribute to the particulate matter in suspension, the receptor model was used. In the way in which it was applied, this model makes use of the chemical mass balance to link source and receptor using a tracer element, a substance considered to originate from a single known source. The mass conservation and the physical-chemistry integrity of the particle between source and receptor were considered. The starting point was the chemical characterization of the material emitted by the source, a catalyst of alumina and Rare Earth Elements (REE) oxides, which were chosen as the source tracer. For the PM10 collections by quartz filters and a high volume sampler (Hi-Vol) were used. The sampling sites chosen were: Replan in Paulinia, the city district of João Aranha, Cosmópolis and the residential Jardim do Sol in Barão Geraldo. For the catalyst and filters digestion the EPA 3050B method was applied. The analytical technique used was inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES). Although the soil is an important PM10 source by resuspension, the refinery´s contribution was evaluated in the collected material under the worse situation, i.e., without the contribution of other sources, revealing a smaller than 1% participation of the investigated source in the PM10 of the region under the refinery influence. In this evaluation the REE ratios were studied and multivariate analysis was employed to identify similarity or patterns between the samples, based on the variable utilized. This is in the order to avoid data analysis exposed to systematic errors that effect the entire sample. The treatment showed the importance of the distance between sampling place and the source in the contribution of the source to the collected material. The use of the receptor model with REE as tracers was feasible if employed with the aid of statistical tools (chemometrics).


fisico-quimico quimica atmosferica craqueamento catalitico espectroscospia de emissão atomica

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