"Características de personalidade de jogo patológico: análise comparativa de jogadores patológicos e seus irmãos" / Personality Features and Pathological Gambling: comparative analysis of pathological gamblers and their siblings




Pathological Gambling is a psychiatric disorder in which personality characteristics and genetic factors significantly account for its development. This study compared clinical and personality features, and genes involved in dopaminergic transmission in discordant sib-pairs for the diagnosis of Pathological Gambling. Discriminant analysis revealed that the personality dimensions of extravagance, persistence, second nature, attachment and the total score on the Barrat Impulsiveness Scale were able to correctly classify 90,7% of the subjects, suggesting that this model could be useful in identifying vulnerable subjects in families with prior history of Pathological Gambling. The DRD1 gene polymorphism -800 T/C was associated to the diagnosis of Pathological Gambling


temperament behavior control controle comportamental jogo de azar gambling polymorphism (genetics)/genetics polimorfismo(genÉtica)/genética temperamento

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