Capoeira for children with special educational needs : the case study / Capoeira para crianças com necessidades educativas especiais : um estudo de caso




The diagnostic of impairment has been traditionally related to prognoses of learning difficulties and generalized deficits. More recently, different authors have asserted that this is not a direct relationship. In the present study, seven children took part on a "capoeira" project. The group comprised children seven to twelve years old, who had been diagnosed as presenting an impairment (visual, intellectual or physical impairment) and/or learning difficulties. The study involved the observation of 26 weekly classes of 45 minutes each. Video recording and field notes were analyzed, with different focuses: 1- group dynamics, and 2- performance of each participant in the activities. The analysis of the results indicated the involvement of the children in the proposed activities, the appropriation of theoretical knowledge and the execution of technical gestures, according to the corresponding orientation, for the majority of the children, with different acquisition levels. The results are in agreement with conceptions of deficiency as a complex phenomenon, and highlight the importance of a pedagogical planning which corresponds to the students profile


education deficiencia visual special inclusão social desenvolvimento infantil visual disability atividade motora social inclusion childhood development motor activity educação especial

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