Cantos epifÃnicos da paixÃo: a poesia lÃrico-amorosa em Ruy Espinheira Filho




ABSTRACT This is an essay work whose theme is the lyric love poetry by Ruy Espinheira Filho, a native poet of Bahia of the 60s, born in 1942 in the city of Salvador. We selected a corpus of 22 poems from his published works, starting with HelÃboro (1974) up to Elegias de agosto e outros poemas (2005). In a deeper study of the poetry by Espinheira, we perceive that Ruy possesses, like few contemporaneous poets, a lyric love through which gravitate images of women that are loved platonically and carnally. These are found in various poems created by a conscious lyric self of its feelings and capable of portraying the feminine in a rare balance of emotional and rational forces. In many poems, such as âCanÃÃo da moÃa de dezembroâ, âPoema de Novembroâ, âCampo de Erosâ, âPassionÃriaâ, âSoneto de Julhoâ, âSoneto para Safira Disparueâ, âSoneto para Sandraâ, âSegundo Soneto para Sandraâ, among others, we note a strong presence of the feminine body in a play of sensuality and erotism, since the words such as â belliesâ, âthighsâ, âbreastsâ portray the poetÂs perception regarding the woman and her sensuality. In these perceptions the â compassionate lips ârepresent the alchemy of loving bodies.The poetry of love by the author of HelÃboro is an amalgam of life and death, leading the writer to an ever-(re)visited memory. Desire, anxiety, anguish, pleasure, the lived and not-lived are being built in a poetic play that requires from the creator great ability in elaborating the verses. Ruy Espinheira makes possible the fusion of past, present and future times, triggering a dialogue between life, Eros and death , ThÃnatos, mythical forces that provide the creation of feminine images through desire, the realization of love, the unavoidable remembrance of women that, like ghosts. fill his mnemonic universe.


amor e morte literatura brasileira poesia lÃrica ruy espinheira filho memÃria

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