Building systems of gas water heating: parameters of design and management / Sistemas prediais de aquecimento de água a gás: Parâmetros de dimensionamento e gerenciamento




The building systems of water heating are responsible for a significant parcel of energy consumption in country, and the efficiency of use of this energy is related to the quality of projects and constructive alternatives that allow rationalizing the use of natural resources. With the trend of incorporating the measurement of individual water and solar heating, some conceptions of hydraulic projects were changed including the introduction of collective central heating water in the residential sector. However, the methods of these systems are restricted to the determination of the static state of infrastructure and equipment involved. Knowing the characteristics of populations use is possible to introduce systems of monitoring and management to change the design of central heating as the instant demand, causing reductions in thermal losses.


water and gas infrastructure of distribution 1. sistemas de aquecimento de água 2. gás natural 3. eficiência energética 4. sistemas prediais hot water building system gas water heater

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