Brazil and the Free Trade Area of the Americas: spatial and sectoral dimensions / Dimensão regional e setorial da integração brasileira na Área de Livre Comércio das Américas.




The process of trade liberalization in Brazil has been extended in recent years to broader regional trade agreements, motivated by both economic and political objectives. The country has been pursuing different strategies of regional integration in an attempt to strengthen strategic impulses for economic development. One of the alternatives for the development of an economic trading block is the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), a process initiated in the 1994 Summit of the Americas to integrate the economies of the Western Hemisphere into a single free trade agreement. In this dissertation an interregional CGE model is used to analyze the short-run and long-run regional and sectoral effects of trade liberalization in a FTAA agreement. The model provides a description of the Brazilian inter-regional economic system, separated in two regions, São Paulo and Rest of Brazil. One of its innovations is a full specification of foreign trade in both regions, capturing the complete structure of trade flows linking the two Brazilian regions and FTAA markets. In this way, adequate tariff liberalization simulations can be implemented. The model simulations provide results in macro, regional and sectoral levels. A positive effect of FTAA liberalization on Brazilian GDP growth and trade balance can be expected. However, the results suggest that the interplay of market forces in the Brazilian economy favors the more developed state of the country (São Paulo). Additionally, sectoral liberalization under FTAA can produce heterogeneous regional impacts. These figures provide the framework to discuss adequate regional economic policies.


ftaa modelos computáveis de equilíbrio geral computable general equilibrium modelling abertura comercial trade policy regional economy economia regional brazil alca

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