Borders under disput in the urban space production : the trajectory of the "Gonzaga", from slums to outskirt neighborhood / Fronteiras em disputa na produção do espaço urbano : a trajetoria do Gonzaga de favela a bairro de periferia




This dissertation investigates the theme of the production of the urban space, from slums and outskirt neighborhoods, assuming that understanding this production must always come together with understanding the ways people appropriate theses spaces. Thus, it proposes a reflection about the urban phenomena of slums and outskirt neighborhoods considering the historicity inherent to the production and the appropriation of these spaces: understood as historical processes, built by real social actors, under a multiplicity of relations and diverse conditions and contexts, through everyday practices that are interlaced with constraints, conflicts, disputes, negotiations and inventions. As a starting point, some of the debates about slums and outskirt neighborhoods, in the field of urban studies, were recovered, from their construction as social problems up to their transformation into study objects and fields, categories, concepts, and generic designations. A reflection is made on the bilateral approach to the city that lies in the origin of those concepts, as well as on their articulation with the thematic construction of the so-called "illegal city", or "informal city", as a way to introduce questions about those categories and about the representational practices they elicit, considering they are still used at large in the studies in this field. Starting from the premise that from this approach one cannot visualize the extremely flexible and dynamic relations that characterize these borders, due to the extremely rigid theoretic limits it draws between the two forms of city production, this research suggests the existence of areas of permeability and crossingover between those two allegedly separated poles delimitated by the concepts of the dual pairs "city and slum", "center and outskirt", "formal and informal, legal and illegal city" that are so many times obscured by the categorical definitions and stratifications. Following this route, the trajectory of the urban space known as "Gonzaga", in São Carlos, is put into focus, through the winding ways that led from its appearance, among outskirt districts, as an area of irregular occupation that soon became known as a slum (the Favela do Gonzaga), until its official transformation, after several public interventions, into an outskirt neighborhood (the Jardim Gonzaga). The research had a descriptive intention, prioritizing an approach in deepness, which would allow us to learn how a space such as the "Gonzaga" is historically produced, noticing the various actors involved in this production, their practices and the resources they mobilized, the relations that were established among them, the diverse scenarios that would affect them and the social-spatial transformations thus caused. This case-study was performed associating documental and field research. Used as privileged research resources were, on the one hand, series of official documents - basically acts and processes from São Carlos´s City Council - and, on the other hand, oral statements from inhabitants and technicians involved in the process of production and appropriation of the "Gonzaga"


slums urban space espaço urbano - historia são carlos (sp) periferias urbanas urban outskirts favelas slums favelas - urbanização

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