Biotransformation of terpenes in flavor and functional compounds. / Biotransformação de terpenos para a produção de compostos de aroma e funcionais.




The biotransformation of terpenes and their functional properties were investigated in this study. The biotransformation of limonene was done by a Fusarium oxysporum strain grown in cassava waste water and transferred into a mineral medium for biotransformation. The limonene source was an orange essential oil from a orange juice industry. The main biotransformation product was a-terpineol, reaching around 450 mg/L. Similarly, biotransformation of citronellol was conducted by a Penicillium sp. strain grown also in cassava waste water and transferred into a mineral medium. The main product was cis-rose oxide, reaching concentrations higher than 70 mg/L. The screening of microrganisms for biotransformation of limonene (from orange essential oil) and a-, b-pinenes (from turpentine oil, residue from pulp industry) was done by solid phase microextraction (SPME). The technique was effective for the recovery of the volatiles from the headspace of sporulated surface biotransformation cultures. Liquid culture biotransformation experiments performed with the SPME screened strains resulted in the production of 50 mg/L of verbenol by Mucor sp. 2276 and 70 mg/L of verbenone form a-, b-pinenes and 90 mg/L of a-terpineol by Aspergillus sp. 2357 and 10 mg/L of perillyl alcohol by Penicillium sp. 2360. The biotransformation of a-farnesene by Aspergillus niger strains resulted in compounds never described in the literature before. Four main new compounds were obtained. Only one of them could be identified by GC-MS as 6-OH-farnesene. CG-O experiments revealed the impactant citrus aroma of 6-OH-farnesene. ?In vitro? and ?in vivo? experiments with the limonene biotransformation extract by Fusarium oxysporum and with the monoterpene standards present in the extract revealed the antioxidant potential of these compounds, which open a new perspective for the utilization of these compounds as functional aroma compounds.


metabolismo biotransformation terpenos aroma compounds fungos compostos de aroma fungi terpenes functional foods

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