Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination in athorops spixii inthe Santos/ São Vicente and Cananéia estuarines, São Paulo, Brazil / Biomarcadores de contaminação ambiental em Cathorops spixii nos Estuários de Santos/São Vicente e Cananéia, São Paulo, Brasil




The aim of this study was to characterize the contamination processes in Santos/São Vicente and Cananéia estuaries; and to study somatic, biochemical, genotoxic and morphological biomarkers in Cathorops spixii. The results of hydrochemistry, nutrients and total mercury concentration confirmed the largest human influence in Santos/São Vicente estuary, mainly in the internal area overall when compared to Cananéia, an estuary under more natural conditions. Data of total mercury in muscle of C. spixii showed the bioindicador characteristics of this species. The association between fluorescent aromatic compounds (FACs) values and the different components of the multiple function oxigenases (MFO) system reinforces the influence of contamination by organic compounds, mainly in Santos Canal. Catalase and lipid peroxidation data did not indicate the presence of oxidative stress due to exposure to multiple foreign agents. Glutahione-S-transferase (GST) and -aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) did not show conclusive answers as biomarkers in C. spixii. However, metallothioneins (MTs) were induced in fish from Santos/São Vicente. The cholinesterase and histopathological alterations were satisfactory as neurotoxic and morphological biomarkers. The high occurrence of necrosis areas verified in the C. Spixii collected in the Santos/São Vicente estuary reflects unbalanced environmental conditions for these organisms. The histopathology and oxidative stress associated to parasitic infestation suggest that the presence of parasites can be used as a biomarker in C. spixii. In general, C. Spixii was responsive to the effect and exposure biomarkers considered in this study, which suggests their use as sentinel organisms in biomonitoring programs in the Santos/São Vicente and Cananéia estuaries.


estuaries cathorops spixii biomarcadores contaminação ambiental biomonitoring estuários biomonitoramento cathorops spixii biomarkers environmental contamination

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