Beneficios da atividade fisica para pessoas com deficiencia visual : contribuições a partir da teoria de Erik Erickson




The present study has for objective to bring psychological aspects to be considered in the elaboration of physical activities for people with low vision. For that, we based on the theory of the Psychosocial Developrnent written by Erik Erikson (1976), through the knowledge concerning the hurnan developrnent. We do hope to be able to plan and to accornplish interventions aiming the developrnent and potentiality irnprovernent and/or recovery of possible discrepancies presented by the individual, in function of the visual deficiency. The involved professionals attention should not be the incapacity, but the possibilities of doing, being necessary a plan that involves professionals of the physical education and psychology areas, in order to propose activities that besides being pleasant, also be effective to the intended purposes


deficientes visuais desenvolvimento humano psicologia do desenvolvimento exercicios fisicos

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