Bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento e o apoio à promoção do desenvolvimento local: o caso do Banco Ilhamar.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This studys aim is to identify the effects of Banco Comunitário de Desenvolvimento Ilhamars action in an attempt to support the proposed local development that has been fostered by the Ecosmar Project in the village of Matarandiba, located in the Vera Cruz municipality, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Ilhamar bank is one of the initiatives of the Ecosmar network, playing the role of socioeconomic actors in the territory, seeking to strengthen the local economy. A qualitative case study approach was the adopted method for the research, and because of little systematic knowledge about the CDBs* and their role in local development processes of the territories where they operate, the present study was characterized by an exploratory nature. The techniques used were literature review, documental research, semi-structured interviews and informal conversations, with the observation as the center of this study. Although Ilhamar bank plays a role as a socioeconomic agent in the Ecosmar network, we found that the effects generated by it in the territory were beyond results purely economic or social by nature, also attaining an important political dimension to the process of local development that is being promoted in Matarandiba. Thus, we found that, in spite of the challenges faced, the proposal of local development which has being built in Matarandiba moves towards increased citizenship of its residents, in an effort that they become critical actors of their own development. *Community Development Banks.


redes locais de economia solidária desenvolvimento local bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento administracao financeira community development banks local development solidarity economics local networks solidarity finance finanças solidárias

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