Balanço de materiais na gestão ambiental da cadeia produtiva do carvão vegetal para produção de ferro gusa em Minas Gerais




The material balance is a methodology for environmental evaluation developed in the Industrial Ecology -IE science. IE looks for the concept of industrial metabolism on a parallel approach between industrial systems and biotic systems. And seek the improvement of the environmental performance of the production processes. For the conceptual analysis of the material balance the main target of this work was evaluated is own capacity for prognosis and diagnosis about environmental loads from the material flows inside the process. For the evaluation of the material balance were used four methodologies to evaluate the environmental performance trough the application on the pig iron chain based on charcoal. The methodologies were: evaluation of the support capacity of the forestry plantation sector using eucalipto to satisfy the environmental legislation looking for the Self Support Plan, environmental impact assessment using Life Cycle Assessment -LCA, externalities analysis of the production chain using the concepts of failure market that exist on the environmental economy and the environmental indicator Sablowski 2. The indicator Sablowski 2 was development to help the production managers on the reduction of the environmental loads of the production processes that was express trough the environmental impact categories. The pig iron chain based on charcoal use from the Minas Gerais state didnt has the capacity to satisfy the legislation looking for the Self Support Plan using is own charcoal production using eucalipto wood. The value of the environmental performance using Sablowski 2 as 10, 15 %. This value occurs because the process has a small efficiency to use the mass on the charcoal production process and thermal reduction process. Using the LCA it was shown like the main environmental loads the contribution for the Global Warming Process GWP and the Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential POCP. In the case of GWP, the use of forestry plantation has a positive influence looking for the environment. About the POCP, is influence was negative and is origin was the non recover of the gases from the charcoal production process and the non use of the gases from the thermal reduction process to generate electric energy. Trough the externalities analysis it was identify like the main consequences of the market failures of this chain the use of illegal charcoal. And this proceeds generated more loads on the native forests from Minas Gerais and anothers federative units. About the material balance it was conclude that tool it is so efficient to use in the environmental management of production process.


balanço de materiais carvão vegetal ecologia industrial ecologia

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