Axé, orixá, xirê e música : estudo da música e performance no candomblé queto na Baixada Santista / Axé, orixá, xirê and music : a study of music and performance in Candomblé Queto


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




By means of this study, I intent to bring to discussion some elements found in the interaction between music and ritual in the afro-Brazilian religion called candomblé queto. The study was carried focusing forms of such religiosity in cult places in the region of São Paulo state called Baixada Santista, mainly in the religious house Ilè Asè Alaketú Omo Oyá Asè Osun, in the city of São Vicente. The approach to the relations of music and religiosity was mainly carried on the way they appear in the public ceremonies of a long cycle of "parties" that make part of the religion, whose theology is based on the concepts of "orixá" - their deities - and of "axé" - the fundamental and dynamic principle that structures the religion. For this, one of the basic theoretical lines is ethnomusicology. Unfolding the relation between Anthropology and Ethnography with the musicological approach, we propose an articulation of this basis with Clifford Geertz Interpretative Anthropology in such a way we go for an Interpretative Ethnomusicology, whose basis is the thick transcription. One more support to study these cultural manifestations was found in the Anthropology of Performance, for their traces in which ritual, sound and musical expressions are articulated with mythical narratives, showing vivid contents whose meanings are lived religiously by the believers, called "povo-de-santo". Based on these approaches we can conclude that sounds are used in the candomblé queto as a set of meaning elements that articulate themselves in the flow of discourse during performances, embodying multiple sonorities in an integrated way to the ritual and mythic totality. This is an attempt to contribute for the demonstration of the existence of an articulate language of multiple sounds in that form of religion, by the description of forms of realizations of a "musical grammar" in ritual discourse, based on the proposals of Cardoso (2006) when studding ritual music as a language


candomblé musica afro-brasileira religiões afro-brasileiras musica - aspectos religiosos etnomusicologia candomble afro-brazilian music afro-brazilian religions religion and music etnomusicologia

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