Avaliação na educação física escolar: do mergulho à intervenção




The study aimed at characterizing, calling in question and intervening in the pedagogical practice used by a Physical Education teacher, specially in the evaluated practice, wanting to indicate new looks and perspectives. A municipal school from Vitória was the research locus, because it presented a net curriculum proposal and also for its work with a favoring perspective of evaluation. The practice was taken as referential standard that guides the research; this practice is understood as theory in movement locus. To reach its goal we used the following data collect instruments: document analysis, semi structure interview, focal group, participant observation, photographic registry and field diary. Following all the senses, the research was divided in two moments: a) Methodological-theoretical referential: deciphering the investigative parchment; b) The exploratory immersion: the pedagogical school proposal and its materiality in the every day life; c) School evaluation and evaluation in the school; immersing in the pedagogical practice of the physical Education teacher; d) The study necessity to be amplified; from the immersion to intervention. The preliminary results made evident the implementation of the school pedagogical proposal is born from experiences lived by school practitioner since the year when it became municipal, searching for solving every day life problems. About the evaluated process, an important progress was found specially referring to the use of self- evaluation criteria and the written evaluation review, seen as diagnostic element of learning. The results found in these phases indicate that teacher pedagogical practice, as well as the school pedagogical proposal was in building/consolidation process and in that moment, it would be necessary to advance from an exploratory immersion to an intervention.


avaliação educacional. educação física professores formação prática pedagógica educação teses cotidiano escolar currículos

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