Avaliação microscópica da implantação, em subcutâneo de ratos, do agregado trióxido mineral - CPM e do clínquer do cimento Portland branco puro e acrescido de 2 e 5% de sulfato de cálcio e determinação de seus tempos de presa / Microscopic evaluation of the response of subcutaneous tissues of rats to implantation of Portland cement modified CPM and clinker of white Portland cement pure or combined with 2 % and 5 % of calcium sulfate and to determine the setting time of this materials




The Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) has been showing good physicochemical and biological properties and indicated for use in endodontic apical surgery, perforation repair, and apexification treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the subcutaneous connective tissue reactions of CPM and clinker of Portland cement, either pure or combined with calcium sulfate 2 and 5% of the total weight. The setting time of the four cements were also evaluated. Four subcutaneous pockets were created in dorsum of the 24 rats and implanted polyethylene tubes sealed on one side with an material and other side with gutta-percha (control group). The Animals were sacrificed at 15, 30, and 60 days after implantation, the skin containing the tubes colleted and fixated in 10% formalin. The tubes were removed and surrounding tissue histologically processed. Two regions were evaluated, the connective-tissue capsule formed around material and the subcapsular tissue opposed the capsule. The morphologic and morphometric analysis of collagen fibres, fibroblasts, vessels and inflamatory tissue showed that in the capsule did not found statistical differences between groups (p>0,05), showing low-grade chronic inflammation and increase grade of organization of fibrous connective tissue structures with the time. In the subcapsule differences were only significant (p<0,05) in the CPM group at 15 days that presented less inflammatory cells in comparison with other materials. Concerning about the initial setting time the lower time was to clinker pure (6 min), followed by clinker 2% (9 min), clinker 5% (10min) and finally the CPM (15 min). About the final setting time the clinker pure obtained the least time (21 min), followed by clinker 2% (25 min), CPM (27 min) and clinker 5% (42 min). Within the limits of this study, all studied materials showed good biocompatibility and CPM showed low-grade inflammatory response in the subcapsule.


agregado trióxido mineral endodontia portland cement endodontics mineral trioxide aggregate cimento portland

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