Avaliação dos resultados da utilização dos criterios de excelencia do PNQ em instituições de P&D




This work was accomplished in a differentiated ambient and quite sensitive in these days - the ambient of institutions of science and technology. It is related to the evaluation of the benefits of he adoption of administration programs and improvement of the quality, based on the approaches of excellence of the National Quality Award, in a range of institutions dedicated to the research and development activities. A bibliographical revision on the authors of the area of organizational management, competitiveness, management and evaluation ofR&D and of performance indicators was accomplished. Following, ttom this revision a theoretical-conceptual model of the main aspects that influence the competitiveness ofRTO s was elaborated and, ttom this model a system of performance indicators have been consolidated which was the best for competitive position of these organizations, based on the methodology of BSC - Balanced Scorecard. Based on this system of indicators, it was also accomplished an evaluation of the evolution of the performance among institutions that practice the assessment and the improvement of the management with base on the excellence criteria in comparison to others that do not practice such evaluation. Results are discussed and suggestions for future researches are registered


gestão da qualidade total pesquisa e desenvolvimento indicadores

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