Avaliação do uso de BCG intravesical na prevenção de recidiva do carcinoma urotelial de bexiga




The bladder superficial urotelial carcinoma is a neoplasy tOOthas shown high recurrence rates if a complementary treatment is not associated to the thorough resection of such tumor. BCG intravesical has been the most applied agent for the prevention either of the recurrences or progression and also for prolonging life of patients suffering ftom bladder cancer. Goal: Analysing effectiveness of the intravesical immunotherapy with BCG and describing its toxicity in the long termo Also analysing the risk factor of superficial CCT, such as: tumor sÍZe, multiplicity, initial staging and presence of cis, establishing a relationship among tumoral recurrences, histological progression and radical cistectomy. Methods and Material: 46 patients with b1adder superficial CCT diagnosis OOve been analysed prospectively and submitted to intravesical uno therapy treatment with BCG, ftom june 1988 to january 2000. Results: The number of patients without a tumor, afier the fust cycIe of BCG was 22 (48%), afier second was 37 (80%), afier third was 41 (89%), afier the forth was 42 (91%) and the total rate of advancing for invasive diasease was 4 (9%). Serious complications OOvebeen observed in 4 patients (9%). Two cases ofhematuria, 1 case of orchiepididymitis and 1 case of fever for over 24 hours. The presence of multiple tumorallesions and sÍZeof tumors OOd no correlation with the prognosis. Tumors which advanced to radical cistectomy showed initial staging pTIG2 or pTIG3. The presence of carcinoma in situ has indicated a greater chance of recurrences, progression and development to radical cistectomy. Conclusion: BCG has showed a good eifectiveness as a complementary treatment for superficial CCT and also a low toxicity. The most significant prognostic factors on the clinicaldevelopment ofbladder tumor are staging, histological grade and carcinoma in situo


carcinoma in situ bcg bexiga

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