Avaliação do comportamento de avestruzes (Struthio camelus) de 10 a 150 dias de vida em sistemas de produção




The aim of this work was to evaluate the behavior of ostrich young between 10 and 150 days of age, it was realized the collection of data between the days 02/03/2006 and 30/03/2006, having used six groups of 30 ostriches, observed for the period of four consecutive days for eight daily hours. Choosing randomly the order of the birds of each group, it was registered for each individual the occurrences of behavior during 5 minutes every half hour, totalizing 16 comments or 80 minutes daily for each animal. To verify if there were differences in the expression of each behavior, for age band, it was used the Kruskal-Wallis test. From this test, it was selected those behaviors with significant differentiated levels of expression for age, where an analysis for independent samples was used (Test of Mann-Whitney), with each age entering in the comparison one at a time. The comparison for period of the day, of each behavior, was carried through the previous test (Test of Mann-Whitney), with each period of the day (1, 2 or 3) entering one at a time. The correlation of Spearman was used to evaluate the relation between the variable. The distribution was always bivolume with a level of significance of 5%. In the analysis of the behavior of the birds in relation to the age it was verified that for the behaviors drinking water, eating ostrich food, seated of head low (SCB), seated of high head (SCA) and sand bath did not have significant difference, however there was statistical effect between the ages for the behaviors stopped, walking, running, litophagy, coprophagy, to peck and aggression. When analyzed the expression of the behaviors in relation to the schedules of the day 1 and 2 a statistical difference was evidenced when observed the behaviors stopped, walking, eating ostrich food and litophagy, where the animals had more frequently expressed it in the first hours of the day. In the interaction of the schedules 1 and 3 there was significant effect only for the behavior sand bath. In the analysis of the schedule 2 and 3 the behaviors that had presented significant differences had been: walking, running, drinking water, eating ostrich food, litophagy, coprophagy, dancing, sand bath, where a bigger occurrence of these behaviors was verified at the sunset. It was observed that the behaviors of the birds are different in relation to the age of the same ones and that the environment influences in the expression of the behavior of young animals.


bem-estar animal comportamento e avestruzes animal well-being, behavior and ostrich ciencias agrarias

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