Avaliação de uma fábrica de ração para aves: instalações, processos e produto final / Evaluation of a feed mill for poultries: installation, process, and final product


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The work of research aimed to characterize and analyze qualitatively and quantitatively a feed mill for poultries. For this, an initial study to evaluate the feed mill using the manual of Good Manufacture Practice of Feed and the international norm of quality management ISO 9000:2000. The results verified that the feed mill did not respond in full the mentioned nom, although they are implemented in the industry evaluated. The raw materials used for the feed formulation of the vary regions of Minas Gerais State was evaluated. In the results observed that the corn supplier for the feed industry maintained with classification "type 1". On the other hand, among the by-products evaluated, as animal meals were verified high levels of bacterial contamination, mainly of the Salmonella species (5.3x102 CFU.g-1). Infestations of insects, rodents, mites and the presence of fungi were found in the sectors of greater exposure of raw materials and feed. The cross- contamination by ambient air, water, and work surface of equipment surface were also a problem in the feed mill. During the feed industrialization the reduction of contamination of 7.0x103 to 1.5x102 CFU.g-1 were observed, as the product has reached the final stage of production. The use of high temperatures in drying processes of corn, grinding system, ingredients mixing, and feed pelleting can be influenced in the contamination reduction of microbiology in the products lots evaluated. The system of maintenance of equipment influenced in the physical losses of grains, meals, microingredients, and feed, even approximately 120 kg to an average cost of R$ 55.23 per hour. The analyses realized of fungi in the products losses were verified high levels contamination (7.4x104 CFU.g-1). The corn and feed contamination by mycotoxins, and the alternatives to reduce and control these problems by processes of physical separation of corn and in the feed industrialization were evaluated. The results to physical separation of corn by size and mass specific were positives. The high levels aflatoxins concentrations (166.0 ppb) and fumonisins (12.6 ppm) were observed in the fractions of 0.7 to 0.9 g.cm-3 of mass specific. The separation system by sieves and aspiration had more reductions of contamination levels of aflatoxins and fumonisins, even approximately 60%. For the different initial levels of contamination in the feed processing were observed aflatoxins (2.4 ppb) and fumonisins (0.2 ppm) reductions to 60 seconds of feed exposition, using temperature at 82 oC. To according the experimental results and the operational conditionals of the experimental executed were concluded: the raw materials and the feed processed have phisico-chemical characteristics adequate to poultry fed. However, the products presented problems of microbiology contamination that can cause disease and reduction in the production. The monitoring of some process steps of feed industrialization will can reduce the levels of microbiology contamination and mycotoxins in the final feed. The not adequate implementation of a program of corrective and preventive maintenance increase the production costs with raw materials and feed losses.


processing control quality processamento controle qualidade engenharia agricola

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