Avaliação de um secador de bananas do tipo cabine com bandejas




The objective ofthis work was to evaluate a dryer equipment for dehydrated ftuits production, by means of the characterization of the equipment, energy analysis and economic evaluation of the process for both organic and conventional bananas. With regard to drying process, the equipment had some deficiencies related to the uniformity inside the drying chamber, Le., the distributions of temperature and air fIux were not uniform. However, the equipment obtained good products whose qua1ity reached the standard levei required for the commercialization in the European marketing. In the thermodynamic evaluation, merit figures were used. Three indexes which were found in the literature, proposed for similar equipment were adopted The energy efficiency was 29.13%. The total duration ofone drying cycle was 51.3 hours, being 38.3 hours for drying and 13 hours for resting. The specific consumption of energy, considering the evaporated water, was 7,988.70 kJ/kg. Both drying processes, organic and conventiona showed to be economically viable. But the former showed much better economic indicators of evaluation than the latter. This big economic di:fference happened due to the profits with the commercialization in the exportation market.


secagem agroindustria viabilidade economica energia

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