Avaliação de técnicas alternativas para o manejo da antracnose da banana em pós-colheita




The banana is the second fruit more consumed in the world, being the fruit fresh holder of larger world market. Brazil, answers as second producing adult, using the varieties Silver and Pacovan in approximately 60% of area harvestd. However, several factors can cause losses in the production. In the powder-crop to the anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum musae, it is the main and more destructive, harming the commercialization. Before that, the present work concerns the evaluations of alternative methods of control that seek to the reduction of the losses powder-crop in bananas caused by the C. musae. The first work is had the effect of resistance inductors in the control powder-crop of the anthracnose in banana.Among the tested inductors they are had the Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), Agriculture-Mós, Ecolife, Crop-Set, methyl jasmonate, were applied in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer (DR) and DR added of 50% there is plus, for five minutes of immersion, the inoculations were accomplished under the times of zero, six and 12 hours after the induction. In the second rehearsal the production of the enzymes was evaluated: peroxidase, polifenoloxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase and β -1,4-glucanase under bananas induce with biotic elicitores and abióticos. The third experiment, concerns the thermotherapy (TH) associate to ASM in the control of the anthracnose. Where bouquets were treated by immersion in warm water to 40, 45, 50 and 55 1 C, for the times of zero, five, 10 and 15 minutes, parallel to these treatments the bouquets were immersed in syrup containing ASM, for five minutes, in the DR for the manufacturer. In relation to the fourth work, the effect of dosages zero 50, 150, 300 and 450 nL.L-1 of 1-MCP on the banana anthracnose was verified. The inoculations of all of the works were accomplished with a suspension of conidial of C. musae in the concentration 106 con./mL, deposited on the epidermis previously wounded. At the end of each rehearsal they were appraised the banana s physiochemical characteristics except for the second. ASMapplied 12 hours before the inoculation in the added of 50% commercial dosage there is plus, it was the most efficient in the control of the disease. In relationship, to enzymes peroxidase, polifenoloxidase β -1,3-glucanase and β -1,4-glucanase, AGM and MJ the most efficient inductors were in the production of these enzymes, in relation to the quitinase AGM did just stand out in relation to the others. To the temperatures around of 40 and 45 C in all of the times of exhibition tested were the most expressive in the reduction of the severity in relationship á testifies. In TH + ASM, for the temperatures from 45 to 50 C in all of the times of exhibition and 40 C in the times of 10 and 15 minutes presented smaller severity of the disease in relation to isolated TH. In the 1-MCP, the dosages of 150 and 50 nL.L-1 they presented the smallest severity values with 9,57 and 9,67 mm, respectively, following for the dosage of 300 and 450 nL.L-1 with 10,18 to 10,5 mm. The witness presented the largest severity with 32,04 mm being reduced in the progressive largest way for to smallest dosage.It didn t happen significant changes in the pH, SST and ATT, that commit the commercialization and the banana s consumption in natura.


bloqueadores de etileno thermotherapy banana enzimas pós-colheita colletotrichum musae ethylene blocks fitopatologia inductors musa spp. indutores de resistência emzyme tratamento hidrotérmico

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