Avaliação de parametros cardiovasculares em pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronariana, submetidos a anestesia local




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of cardiovascular parameters in 15 volunteers with acute CAD (instable angina and previous myocardial infarction) during dental treatment under local anesthesia with epinephrine and felypressine. Ambulatory monitoring (BPAM) and ECG were utilized to evaluate systolic (SBP) and diastolic (OBP) blood pressures, heart rate (HR), ventricular (VA) and supraventricular arrhythmias (SVA), ST depression and ST elevation, and SpO2(by pulse oximeter), troponin I (Tn-I), anxiety (by Corah s Dental Anxiety Scale - CDAE) and painful sensibility (by The 11-point Box Scale - BS-11), in 4 phases: 0- baseline, 24 hours holter monitoring; 1 - dental treatment simulation, 24 hours holter, 5 hours MAPA, 1 hour pulse oximeter, corresponding the dental treatment; 2 and 3 - similar to phase 1, more dental treatment with periodontal scaling, made under maxillary and palatine local anesthesia using 1.8ml of 2% lidocaine with 1:100.000 epinephrine (Epi) or 3% prilocaine supplemented 0,03 IUlml of felypressine (Fel), in a double blind cross-over study. Phases 2 and 3 were looked closely by a cardiologist. The COAE was applied at the beginning of the sections and after the dental treatment (phases 2 and 3) was applied the BS-11. The anxiety date, painful sensibility, SBP, DBP and HR were evaluated by Wilcoxon test (5% levei of significance or Bonferroni correction factor for the cases of three, u= 0.016 or four, u= 0.0125 tests) and the data of ECG were analyzed by Fisher test (u= 0.05). The SBP presented significant difference during dental treatment with epinephrine and SpO2was different with tendency to showed lowers values in phase 1. Significant differences were not found among the phases for VA, SVA, ST depression, Tn-I, anxiety and painful sensation. It can be concluded that epinephrine and felypressine resulted changes in SBP, OBP and SpO2, but only epinephrine caused significant difference. However the SBP did not increased sufficiently to cause ECG alterations in this group, and both of them, in utilized doses and concentrations are well tolerated by patients with acute CAD (instable angina and myocardial infarction), it did not presented absolute contraindications to dental treatment in this group


ansiedade arteriosclerose coronaria pain felypressin epinephrine epinefrina coronary arteriosclerosis anxiety dor feliprerssina

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