Avaliação de modelos fotoquímicos de qualidade do ar e estudo das circulações atmosféricas nos processos de dispersão de poluentes / Evaluation of air quality photochemical models and atmospheric circulations in the pollution dispersion processes.




Throughout numerical simulations and near to surface measurements of pollutants concentrations, in this work some meteorological situations of relevance for high ozone concentrations episodes over the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP) were studied., between 1999 and 2006. Firstly, two photochemical models, CIT and SPM-BRAMS, were evaluated in the sense of the correct representation of ozone formation and the pollutant dispersion processes over the region. After the models evaluation, some characteristics of the atmospheric flow were determined during the occurrence of critical events from the air quality point of view. The results showed that the ozone concentrations variability was relatively well represented by the used models. In general, the concentrations simulated by the SPMBRAMS agree well with observations, in terms of the diurnal cycle phase, but the concentrations values were slightly underestimated compared to the observed maximum. The CIT model showed higher concentrations, especially during diurnal maximum peaks. The diurnal cycle was also adequately represented by this model. In simulations with both models, it was found that in the monitoring stations located in the southeastern portion of the MASP, the worst results were obtained in terms of statistical parameters commonly used in the evaluation of models results. The SPM-BRAMS was also used for simulations throughout the whole month of January 2006. With these simulations the atmospheric conditions in large and meso scales and the associated ozone concentrations behavior were studied. During this month periods of intense convective activity occurred, associated with SACZ episodes. Dry periods in which the atmosphere was more stable, were also observed during this month. It was observed that during episodes of intense precipitation, there is a tendency of concentration overestimation by the model; however, the results are very close to the observations in situations of clear sky and with milder winds. The nocturnal secondary peaks in the ozone concentration observed with some frequency in the measured data, were not always well represented by the model, while the maximum day time peak were well represented. The days when the nocturne peaks were properly simulated by SPM-BRAMS, were characterized by high pressure from the surface to mid-level, with more atmospheric subsidence and stability, promoting the transport of ozone from higher levels of the atmosphere to the surface. The nocturnal peaks with concentration above 20 ppbv were most well represented.


noturnal peaks. ozônio troposférico brams tropospheric ozone cit brams cit picos noturnos.

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